elite bodies health studio aalsmeer reviews
Lose weight in a fun way with guidance in our modern private gym.

Losing weight quickly

Want to lose weight quickly under guidance? Maintain lasting results? Realize that overweight didn't happen overnight. Losing a lot of weight quickly often doesn't work without professional help from a personal trainer or coach. It's much more effective to tackle weight loss with guidance together with an experienced personal trainer. A personal coach looks at your body and your lifestyle with an objective eye. What eating pattern fits to lose weight healthily? With professional coaching you learn to eat responsibly with a focus on your end goal. Because a coach in guided weight loss helps you to change your mindset.

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    Private gym

    We reserve one of our fully equipped sports rooms for you.

    Fun and varied

    Modern equipment, varied workouts, luxurious spaces and lounges.

    100% attention

    Our trainer has 100% attention for you with a plan tailored to your goal.

    Lose weight quickly, together or alone.

    Share the fun and the costs!

    100% results guarantee on weight loss

    With the proven approach of our experienced personal trainers, we offer a 100% results guarantee on the pre-set goal.

    Losing weight with strength training

    Losing weight with strength training is also one of the methods we use in achieving your goals. Often, we're asked by someone wanting to lose weight; should I do cardio or strength training for weight loss? When you come to us for guided and goal-oriented weight loss, we go beyond just losing weight with cardio or strength training. We also provide professional support in terms of mindset and nutrition. These are two important factors that greatly influence weight loss. Even if you do a lot of strength training, trying to lose weight with snacks or inefficient workouts is a waste of your time and energy. Our personal trainers help you maximize your energy in guided weight loss.

    Losing weight with cardio

    Cardio is a training method that is based on maintaining your heart rate. Does cardio help with weight loss? Definitely, by performing various exercises to keep a constant heart rate, you build stamina and burn a lot of calories. Burning calories leads to weight loss eventually. Combining cardio and strength training can give the best results when looking at overall fitness. With our diverse and modern equipment, we offer various cardio exercises for weight loss. Experience weight loss with cardio yourself and come by for a free trial workout.

    Guided weight loss for lasting results

    How do you lose weight quickly? The internet is full of diets that all promise a slim body. But soon, you can't see the forest for the trees. However, you don't have to do it alone. Let a personal coach help you. The beauty of losing weight under supervision is that you aim for lasting results. With the right exercise and a suitable diet, your body will adapt to your new, healthy lifestyle. Assistance with diets is part of our approach. Eating differently can also be delicious. Especially when you see the positive results on the scale. You feel fitter, and that's a feeling everyone wants to maintain, right? With guided weight loss, you gain permanent control over it.

    At Elite Bodies, we know that personal training depends on the right mindset. There are no super quick ways to lose weight. It is important to lose weight quickly and healthily. That's why we help people transform their lifestyles. Our personal trainer training is therefore also your personal coach. Because you have to enjoy living healthier. And if you commit to it, we promise results!

    Vind je het lastig om af te vallen, en vooral om voorgoed met je overgewicht af te rekenen? Lukt het keer op keer niet om je aan zo’n dieet te houden? En vliegen de kilo’s er weer aan als je net zo lekker was afgevallen? Dan is professionele hulp bij afvallen voor jou de oplossing. Samen met een coach krijg je wél grip op je gewicht voor een strak lichaam.

    Weight loss assistance with a personal trainer.

    At Elite Bodies, we've helped many people achieve a healthy weight. Our weight loss coach provides you with varied exercises and recipes, making weight loss an enjoyable experience. With personalized guidance on weight loss, you'll uncover what's wrong with your eating habits and receive a customized diet plan from us. Plus, with our Elite Bodies App, you don't always have to leave the house. You can check on your phone or tablet what you can do that day to reach your target weight. Our personalized weight loss assistance proves itself every day with satisfied clients.

    Why am I not losing weight?

    This is one of the most frequently asked questions in the gym. We also get asked this question a lot, and we completely understand. It's not easy to lose weight without knowledge or motivation. Because many people wonder, 'How do I lose weight quickly?' There are many factors to consider, such as nutrition, lifestyle, and the type of training. Will I lose weight faster with strength training or cardio training? Every body is different and has its own best way to lose weight. We provide you with the basic principles for losing weight and shedding pounds.


    Losing weight is not easy, and it requires effort. With professional guidance, training schedules for weight loss, and tailored nutrition plans, it becomes much easier, and you become much more motivated than if you just wing it. Especially nutrition is crucial. You take a big step forward by following the right customized nutrition plan. Every individual has different eating habits and preferences, and each body is unique. That's why we always recommend following a customized nutrition plan designed by a nutritionist or specialist. Our experienced professionals can assist you with this. By getting to know you and your needs better, we create a personalized weight loss nutrition plan tailored specifically to you.

    The method of training

    Many people struggle to figure out which training method suits them best. Many individuals who want to lose weight try to gather information from the internet or use an app. While these are solutions, nobody knows you better than your own personal trainer. A personal trainer understands how your body works and how you can achieve the best results to ultimately reach your goals. That's why it's beneficial to discover, with professional assistance, which training method suits you best. Strength training and cardio training are the most common methods for weight loss. However, even within these methods, there are various approaches. From the duration of the training to the selection and composition of different exercises, a personal trainer can find the ultimate balance tailored to you.

    Lifestyle when losing weight

    Of course, your own lifestyle is also very important. If you train hard during the week and strictly adhere to a nutrition plan, but indulge in cheating on weekends or late at night, achieving results will be much slower. And that's a shame. That's why at Elite Bodies, we go beyond just training and nutrition for weight loss. We also support you as a personal coach and mental coach in terms of mindset. By adopting the right mindset, you're already one step ahead and become even more motivated to follow and maintain the perfect lifestyle.

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    Waarom Elite Bodies? ⭐Onze leden vertellen het je! Bij Elite Bodies draait alles om persoonlijke aandacht, effectieve trainingen, en een omgeving waar je je thuis voelt. 💪✨Of je nu je fitnessdoelen wilt bereiken of gewoon lekker wilt trainen, wij staan voor je klaar met de beste begeleiding. Laat je inspireren door de ervaringen van anderen en ontdek waarom Elite Bodies anders is.🔥 Klaar om jouw fitnessavontuur te beginnen? Neem contact met ons op of kom langs!#EliteBodies #FitnessCommunity #PersoonlijkeAandacht #SamenSterker
    🎉 We zijn alweer een maand bezig met EMS! 🎉De afgelopen maand hebben we zoveel mensen kennis laten maken met deze revolutionaire manier van trainen, en de resultaten spreken voor zich! 💪✨👉 Wat maakt EMS uniek?Snel resultaat in slechts 20 minuten per week. ⏱️Volledige focus op jouw doelen met persoonlijke begeleiding. 🎯Veilig, effectief, en geschikt voor iedereen! ✅Ben jij al nieuwsgierig geworden? 🤔Stuur ons een bericht of vraag ernaar bij jouw trainer, en ontdek wat EMS voor jou kan betekenen! 🚀#EliteBodiesEMS #EenMaandVolResultaten #NieuweManierVanTrainen #JouwDoelOnzeFocus
    Hoeveel Suiker Eet Jij Eigenlijk? 🍬Wist je dat te veel suiker een flinke impact kan hebben op je energie, gezondheid én prestaties in de gym? 🚫⚡👉 Suiker zit niet alleen in snoep en frisdrank, maar ook verborgen in producten zoals sauzen, ontbijtgranen en zelfs 'gezonde' snacks. 😲👉 Het effect? Energiepieken en -dalen, moeite met afvallen, en zelfs een verhoogd risico op gezondheidsproblemen.Tip van Elite Bodies: Kies vaker voor natuurlijke suikers zoals in fruit 🍎 of ga voor onbewerkte producten. Je lichaam zal je dankbaar zijn! 💪✨💬 Hoe bewust ben jij van je suikerinname? Laat het ons weten in de reacties!#EliteBodies #SuikerBewustzijn #GezondeLifestyle #BalansIsKey
    ⭐ Waarom kiezen voor Elite Bodies? ⭐Hoor het van onze leden! Bij Elite Bodies streven we ernaar om een plek te bieden waar je je thuis voelt, je doelen kunt bereiken en de beste begeleiding krijgt. 💪✨Van persoonlijke aandacht tot effectieve trainingen, wij staan klaar om jou te helpen groeien. Ontdek wat anderen zeggen over hun ervaring bij Elite Bodies en laat je inspireren!🔥 Ben jij klaar om je fitnessreis te starten? Kom langs of stuur ons een berichtje!#EliteBodies #MemberReview #PersoonlijkeBegeleiding #JouwDoelOnzeMissie
    ✨ Hoor het van onze klanten! ✨Benieuwd naar wat EMS voor jou kan betekenen? Luister naar de ervaringen van anderen die jou al zijn voorgegaan! 💪 Hun verhalen spreken voor zich en laten zien hoe effectief en uniek deze manier van trainen is.🚀 Wil jij zelf het verschil ervaren? Stuur ons een bericht of vraag ernaar bij jouw trainer!📩 Laat ons weten wat je ervan vindt in de comments!#EliteBodiesEMS #ErvaringenDelen #NieuweManierVanTrainen #JouwResultaatOnzeMissie
    EMS FAQ: Alles Wat Je Wilt Weten! ❓We krijgen regelmatig vragen over EMS-training. Tijd om de meest gestelde vragen voor je op een rijtje te zetten! 💡👇1️⃣ Wat is EMS?EMS staat voor Elektrische Spierstimulatie. Met speciale impulsen worden je spieren geactiveerd, wat zorgt voor een intensieve training in slechts 20 minuten! ⏱️💪2️⃣ Is EMS veilig?Ja! EMS is een bewezen en veilige trainingsmethode, mits uitgevoerd door getrainde professionals. Bij Elite Bodies krijg je altijd persoonlijke begeleiding. 🙌3️⃣ Voor wie is EMS geschikt?Voor bijna iedereen! Of je nu wilt afvallen, spiermassa wilt opbouwen of revalideert – EMS biedt voor iedereen voordelen. 🌟4️⃣ Wat moet ik zelf meenemen?Je kunt bij ons een pak lenen, maar voor de ultieme ervaring raden we ons unieke DryTech-pak aan. Dit is jouw eigen, hygiënische pak dat je apart kunt aanschaffen. Vraag je trainer voor meer informatie! 🩳✨💬 Heb jij nog vragen? Laat het ons weten in de comments, stuur ons een berichtje of vraag jouw trainer om advies. We staan klaar om je te helpen! 🚀#EMSFAQ #EliteBodiesEMS #NieuweManierVanTrainen #JouwVragenOnsAntwoord
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